Dr. Sofia Bakirtzi

sofia bakritzi karamousli


  • Professional Association of German Orthodontists (BDK)
  • German Society for Orthodontics (DGKO)
  • Swiss Dental Association (SSO)


  • Incognito Lingual System
  • Win Lingual System
  • Clear aligner
  • Orthocaps
  • Mini implants, Skel. Anchoring

Member of numerous scientific societies, including DGKFO, BDK, SSo and participation in countless continuing education seminars, trade fairs, congresses, etc. in the field of orthodontics

SSO Mitglied

Dr. Sofia Bakirtzi, MSc., Specialist in Orthodontics

I speak the following languages:
German | English | Greek

  • 2023: Recognition as a specialist dentist for orthodontics (examination location in Munich, Bavaria).
  • 2020-2023: University Hospital Würzburg, Bavarian Curriculum for Orthodontics (3years), Residency Training
  • 2019-2023: (MSc)Master ́s degree in Orthodontics, Danube Private Universit (DPU), Krems, Austria/Austria
  • 2014-2015: (MSc) Master’s degree in Stomatology

Doctor of Medicine (MDDr.), Dentistry/ Stomatology, Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia

Doctor of Medicine (Dr. med.), Dentistry/Stomatology; Title of diploma thesis: Bleaching (whitening) of teeth

  • 2006-2009: Lyceum in Athens, Greece with Matura/ Abitur High School in Athens, Greece
  • 1997-2023: Elementary school in Athens, Greece

04.2020- 04.2023: Postgraduate assistant in the field of orthodontics at the University Hospital-Würzburg, Bavaria
05.2018-03.2020: Postgraduate assistant in the field of orthodontics- The Orthodontists- Professor Hinz & Partner
2015-2017: Professional experience as an assistant dentist at the Athens 401 Army Hospital in the diagnostic, preventive, restorative, prosthetic, endodontic and orthodontic departments.
