Dental crowns

It can happen to anyone quickly. A piece of tooth breaks off or it has had to be drilled so many times that the dentist has no choice but to replace the crowns.
A dental crown is a fixed prosthesis that is attached to the damaged tooth. Reconstruction replicates the tooth, allowing normal chewing and speaking. Crowning the tooth protects it from further damage.

Dental crowns cost

How much the dental crown costs depends on many different factors. What material is used for the crowns, how expensive are the laboratory costs, how high are the treatment costs. Health insurance companies usually cover only part of the costs. How high this part is depends on how often they attended preventive care appointments.
You are welcome to contact us for advice on the exact cost of dental crowns.

Dental crowns material

But which dental crown material should you choose now?
Which material is used depends on the type of dental crown and also on the cost. The crowns can be made of gold, ceramic, precious metal or non-precious metal alloys. Dental crown material should be selected depending on the crown.

Dental treatment

Before you decide on a dental crown, the advantages and disadvantages should be weighed.
The advantages of this dental treatment are that even a severely damaged tooth can be saved with the help of a crown. It is thus restored and is also protected from further caries attack.
The disadvantages are that the natural tooth substance is ground. So it is possible that the crown will fit. However, if the crown needs to be changed, it might not be possible to attach the crown to the tooth and it might need to be pulled. Also, the durability of the crown is not forever. At some point, it will have to be renewed.

Once they have decided on a dental crown, two appointments are made. At the first appointment, an impression of the tooth is made for the crown and the destroyed part of the tooth is removed. Then the remaining tooth is prepared so that the crown can be placed. The dental crown must be made in a laboratory. Since this takes some time, a temporary crown is placed on the tooth for the time being.
At the second appointment, the dental crown is then inserted and bonded. Care must be taken to ensure that the crown is properly connected to the tooth to prevent inflammation.
As a rule, another routine examination is performed a few weeks later.

Dental crowns care

To ensure that your crown lasts a long time and that there is no inflammation, good dental care is particularly important. Therefore, regular brushing is very important and you should also pay attention to cleaning the interdental spaces. Interdental brushes or dental floss are particularly suitable for this purpose. The dental crown care you should pay special attention to the edge of the crown that meets the gum. Thorough cleaning is important there so that no bacteria can settle there.


You are welcome to visit our practice to learn about the advantages and disadvantages and the cost of dental crowns.

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