Your dental practice for the whole family

Practice remains open!

Our building is currently being renovated. The construction work is expected to last until mid-August.

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Your dental practice for the whole family

Practice remains open!

Our building is currently being renovated. The construction work is expected to last until mid-August.

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Invisalign® tooth correction


Your personal Invisalign® journey begins with an initial consultation. We are committed to providing you with the best possible yet affordable orthodontic care. During a 30-minute appointment, we will determine if you are a good candidate for Invisalign® treatment. In this process, we create an intraoral 3D scan of your teeth to calculate your treatment plan and simulate the result directly in digital form, so you have the goal of your Invisalign® treatment right in front of you.

Ceramic veneers

Ceramic veneers

Many people dream of a perfect Hollywood smile. But how do you actually get a Hollywood smile, à la George Clooney? In Los Angeles, it has long since ceased to be a rarity to wear so-called veneers (ceramic veneers). These have the advantage that they look very similar to the natural tooth and yet are much more resistant than the natural tooth. Ceramic veneers are wafer-thin, very robust shells made of ceramic that are applied to the teeth.

Aesthetic dentistry

Aesthetic dentistry

“All human desires concern beauty.” (Rufenacht CR.) In ancient Greece, aesthesia meant sensation or sensibility. In modern European languages such as German, aesthetics refers to the perception of beauty. The term cosmetics, in turn, also comes from the Greek. Cosmos there meant as much as jewelry, ornament. According to some dentists, esthetics and cosmetics are not necessarily synonymous.

Power bleaching

Power bleaching

A radiant white smile is the be-all and end-all for a well-groomed appearance. But it is not always so easy to keep your teeth naturally white. Many people dream of a bright white smile. Professional power whitening is one way to get that bright white smile. Since, as the name suggests, power bleaching is an intensive whitening method, it should always be done under medical supervision. You can find more on the topic here.

Orthodontic surgery

Orthodontic surgery

In most people, wisdom teeth need to be removed because they do not have enough room in the jaw to “erupt” naturally. As a rule, they grow obliquely or emerge incompletely. As a result, the wisdom teeth damage the neighboring teeth. If the wisdom teeth erupt laterally in this way, this disturbs the bite and can result in displacement. You can find out more about white teeth here.



Implants can be thought of as artificial tooth roots . Patients are only too happy to compare this artificial tooth root with the dowels of a classic craftsman due to its visual appearance. Implants almost always consist of three parts: The implant body, which is anchored in the bone, the neck part and finally the crown. The crown visually imitates the visible part of the tooth. Read more about this in the guide Implants.

Anxiety patients

Anxiety patients

Patients with anxiety are welcome in our dental office. Because we are considerate of your pace, we first get to know each other, consult with you, and only treat you when you feel ready. We show empathy and understanding for all our patients, from young to old. Anxiety-relieving medications or anesthesia options, such as laughing gas sedation, are of course available if your fears seem insurmountable at first. Please feel free to contact us for a first meeting.

Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry

Although children and adults certainly have different needs and priorities, what they have in common is the desire to be treated with respect and calm as a matter of principle. Our team and Dr. Karamousli, as a mother of two children, understand the importance of treating patients of all ages with empathy, respect, care and, of course, kindness throughout. Our goal is to make a dental experience as pleasant as possible for all family members from young to old.



Orthodontics basically deals with malocclusions of teeth. Dental corrections often have an aesthetic aspect, but usually also bring necessary functional improvements. In most cases, the aesthetic corrections are performed in adulthood. Functional corrections of, for example, a gap between teeth or crowded teeth are often found in children and adolescents. You have questions or want to get to know us first? Please feel free to contact us.

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Karamousli Dental Practice Dentistry, Orthodontics & Oral Surgery in Küsnacht near Zurich

A beautiful smile enchants each of us and is an important part of a well-groomed appearance. In recent years, the topics of ceramic veneers, Invisalign, power bleaching, smile makeovers and the famous Hollywood Smile have been on everyone’s lips. Our current concept of dentistry has little in common with the realities of 30 years ago.

While extractions and black fillings were a main focus of dental work in the classical era, the emphasis today is on gentle, esthetic measures. Traditional dentistry was about repairing teeth and removing them if necessary. The results were less than impressive and ranged up to complete toothlessness.

In our practice we work against this and offer the entire spectrum of dentistry – for young and old and also for patients with anxiety. Starting with regular professional teeth cleaning, instruction and annual check-ups. Not only because we work with the best dental technicians in Switzerland, we guarantee you the best possible treatment quality.

Our dental office is equipped with the latest technology, including a digital X-ray machine, 3D scanning and CEREC. For aesthetic dentistry as well as general and modern dentistry, orthodontics and oral surgery, a competent team of dedicated specialists is waiting for you. Through years of experience, ongoing training and empathetic staff, your and your children’s healthy oral hygiene and bright smiles are taken care of.

I would like to welcome you to Küsnacht (ZH). Your Dr. Tanja Karamousli


Customers about Karamousli Dental Practice in Küsnacht ZH

  • Fr. Dr. Karamousli ist eine langjährige Freundin von mir, mit der ich unzählige zahnärztliche Weiterbildungen gemacht habe. Sie ist äusserst kompetent, einfühlsam und geduldig. Darum freue ich mich um so... >>>

    Judith Aufenanger Avatar Judith Aufenanger

    Keiner mag Zahnbehandlungen doch nach 2 Besuchen komme ich gern wieder in die Praxis von Frau Karamousli und ihrem Team. Behandlungen waren Schmerzfrei, pünktlich und effizient - gleichzeitig freundlich und... >>>

    Flo Dahm Avatar Flo Dahm

    It was pleasure to visit Mrs. Karamously's dental clinic. Very attentive and friendly attitude. My son adores people at this clinic. He was a bit scared of injections and doctors... >>>

    Vitaliy K Avatar Vitaliy K
  • Excellent team, I would definitely recommend it. Very nice service. I have been coming here the last years and never had a complaint.

    Jon Bilbao Avatar Jon Bilbao

    Great cleaning, highly recommended!

    Astro Kat Avatar Astro Kat

    Die Zahnarztpraxis bietet einen hervorragenden Service. Das Personal ist freundlich und professionell. Die Behandlungen sind schmerzfrei und effizient. Die Praxis ist sauber und gut organisiert. Ich bin sehr zufrieden mit... >>>

    Mattia Gibilras Avatar Mattia Gibilras
  • I recently had a great experience at Tanja Karamousli's clinic in Küsnacht. The staff was welcoming, the clinic was modern, and the dentist was knowledgeable and caring. I highly recommend... >>>

    Nancy Papadopoulou Avatar Nancy Papadopoulou

    Absolut empfehlenswert, die Kollegin. Kurze Wartezeit, schnelle Durchführung eines 3D Scans, ausführliche Beschreibung der Befunde und direkte Einleitung eines Behandlungsplanes. Extrem professionell mit der nötigen Empathie. Habe mich gut aufgehoben... >>>

    Zurich Plastics Avatar Zurich Plastics

    Schnell, sauber und unkompliziert! Mir war eine Füllung im Backenzahn abgebrochen und ich bekam zeitnah einen Termin. Sie hat mir alles genau erklärt und es schnell mit Hilfe einer angenehmen... >>>

    Anne Richter Avatar Anne Richter
  • Dr. Karamousli und Ihr Team sind KÜNSTLER! Sie haben das Unmögliche möglich gemacht. Ich habe jahrelang Probleme mit mir herumgetragen. Viele der Probleme wurden durch andere Zahnärzte verursacht, die... >>>

    Javier (Javier) Avatar Javier (Javier)

    Das Personal war grossartig. Sehr einladend und freundlich. Dr. Karamousli war sehr nett und informativ. Die Professionalität und Freundlichkeit des gesamten Teams ist hervorragend. Ich bin wegen eines komplizierten Prozesses... >>>

    D. K Avatar D. K

    Ich schätze neben den hochqualifizierten Leistungen und Expertisen die ruhige, freundliche und gelassene Art wie gearbeitet wird in dieser Praxis dafür nehme ich gerne einen weiteren Anreiseweg in Kauf.... >>>

    R. F. Avatar R. F.
  • Frau Dr. Karamousli ist eine top Zahnärztin, welche ihren Beruf mit höchster Seriosität und Passion ausübt. Sie versteht es einem eine vollumfängliche Beratung zu bieten und was sehr positiv ist:... >>>

    Eve Neuber Avatar Eve Neuber

    Die beste Artzpraxis in Zürich.

    Nikos Emmanouilidis Avatar Nikos Emmanouilidis

    Dr. Karamousli und Ihr Team sind KÜNSTLER! Sie haben das Unmögliche möglich gemacht. Ich habe jahrelang Probleme mit mir herumgetragen. Viele der Probleme wurden durch andere Zahnärzte verursacht, die... >>>

    Javier Izquierdo (Javier) Avatar Javier Izquierdo (Javier)
  • Angenehme Atmosphäre, moderne Praxis und freundliches komptentes Personal! Man fühlt sich wohl!

    Enzo Nardi Avatar Enzo Nardi

    Professional and flexible orthodontist ! Tanja has a lot of expertise and really cares about her patients. Highly recommend.

    Sue Gold Avatar Sue Gold

    Vielen Dank an Frau Dr. Karamousli und an Frau Wirz, die mir den entspanntesten und zugleich effizientesten Zahnarztbesuch ermöglichten. Bei diesen strahlenden und kompetenten Persönlichkeiten verblasste meine Angst und mein... >>>

    Stevan Zivkovic Avatar Stevan Zivkovic
  • Η Τάνια είναι μία καταπληκτική επαγγελματίας και ένας γλυκύτατος άνθρωπος! Σε άτυχημα που είχε ο γιος μου μας δέχθηκε άμεσα και ο μικρός την λάτρεψε. Την ίδια άμεση και άριστη... >>>


    Der Umgang ist sehr professionell und zuvorkommend. Ich wurde laufend über die Behandlungsschritte informiert. Die gestellten Rechnungen, stimmten mit den vorab verlangten Kostenschätzungen genau überein. Ich kann die Zahnarztpraxis Karamousli... >>>

    Marco Bandinelli Avatar Marco Bandinelli

    Eine schöne helle Praxis, mit gemütlichen Flair im Wartebereich. Offenes und freundliches Personal, die einen stets willkommen heißen sowie für alle Fragen und Antworten zur Verfügung stehen. Die Praxis bietet... >>>

    Patricia Adam Avatar Patricia Adam
  • Ich wurde noch nie so herzvoll und lieb empfangen, bei einem Zahnartzt! Ich habe Angst vom Zahnartzt, doch die Angst schwindet langsam immer mehr! Das Team arbeitet toll zusammen! ... >>>

    adrian amstad Avatar adrian amstad

    Ausgezeichnete Praxis, Ärzte und Personal!!❤️

    Maria Klapsaki Avatar Maria Klapsaki

    Very experienced doctor, provides high quality medical services, takes best care of the patient. She is reachable when needed and she is a very polite person. Highly recommend!

    Katerina Rigoulia Avatar Katerina Rigoulia

  • Ich hatte eine aussergewöhnlich gute Erfahrung mit Frau Dr. Karamousli. Sie hat alle Behandlungen sehr kompetent erklärt. Ihre grosse Erfahrung spürt man als Patient. Das Personal ist sehr freundlich und... >>>

    Ronald Hager Avatar Ronald Hager

    Ich hatte eine ganz tolle Erfahrung mit Frau Dr.Karamousli! Es war die beste Behandlung, die ich je bei einem Zahnarzt hatte. Die Behandlung, welche Fühlungen in sich umfasst hat,... >>>

    Helena Liu Avatar Helena Liu

    Went to fix a cavity issue for my son and do an orthodontic treatment with active plate. She is so professional, attentive, caring and great with kids, went far and... >>>

    Paulina Hernandez Avatar Paulina Hernandez
  • Sehr nettes, professionelles und kompetentes Personal. Ich bin sehr zufrieden und komme gerne wieder. Dankeschön

    Sara Lunca Avatar Sara Lunca

    Fr. Dr. Karamousli ist eine langjährige Freundin von mir, mit der ich unzählige zahnärztliche Weiterbildungen gemacht habe. Sie ist äusserst kompetent, einfühlsam und geduldig. Darum freue ich mich um so... >>>

    Judith Aufenanger Avatar Judith Aufenanger

    Vielen Dank für die schnelle, kompetente und einfühlsame Hilfe an das freundliche Team und Dr. Karamousli. Die abgebrochene Teilkrone konnte Dr. Karamousli in ihrer Praxis sofort herstellen und einsetzen. Mich... >>>

    Sabine Schneidewind Avatar Sabine Schneidewind

Karamousli Dental Practice in Küsnacht (Zurich)


From the train station Küsnacht ZH it is only a 5 minute walk to us. It is best to walk along Bahnhofstrasse into Heinrich Wettsteinstrasse and then turn right into Kirchstrasse. From there it is only about 100m – the practice is then on the right-hand side.


We have a parking possibility directly at the house. Since this can be used by all patients, we ask you to consider a parking option nearby in case the parking lot is occupied.


You will find a nearby public parking lot at Untere Dorfstrasse 7, 8700 Küsnacht, which is a 2-minute walk away.
